REUNITE – Ukraine Veteran Education Program

Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc (RUAI) through its RE-building Ukraine’s National Identity Though Education (REUNITE) initiative will deliver short-term and skills-centered academic programs in logistics and execution of modern construction and demining to Ukrainian veterans empowering them with critical knowledge and skills required for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. 

Through its affiliated academic institutions in Ukraine and the USA, REUNITE will offer distance learning modalities to Ukrainian veterans in Ukraine (course-work will be disseminated through local Veterans Education Centers in Ukraine) and to Ukrainian veterans present in the USA for medical rehabilitation.

Graduates of this program will be awarded with certificates and are expected to be employed by affiliated companies performing demining, construction activities in Ukraine and the United States.

Currently, RUAI is consolidating efforts of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, The Halo Trust, the University of Florida, and several private firms in order to establish an international team aligned with REUNITE’s academic mission.

Additionally, RUAI is considering development of similar academic opportunities for Ukrainian refugees in the USA that are committed to returning to Ukraine. 

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