Get Involved

If you or your company would like to get involved with the Rebuilding Ukraine Association, we ask you to register on the form below:

Please indicate categories of involvement you would be interested in

  1. Advisory committee
  2. Educator
  3. University
  4. Industrial Engineering design firm
  5. Equipment supplier
  6. Facility Construction Manager
  7. Project Management
  8. Facility Operator
  9. Informational

Please indicate if you or your staff can travel to Ukraine when it is safe to oversee your phase of the project

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Maybe – need to evaluate the situation as conditions develop in the future

Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc. is a Non Profit with a 501(c)3 status – EIN 88-2076602

Please indicate which program you would like your funds allocated to:

  • Restore Homes Restore Hope
  • Rebuild Makariv
  • BRDGES Ambassador Program

If you would like to donate to Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc the funds are utilized for developing programs and day to day operations of RUAI.

Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc. is committed to conducting business lawfully and ethically. As the Company’s reputation is the sum of the reputations of its employees, management, and directors, it is critically important that they meet the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct.

  1. For 2025 – Association Sponsor $5,000 –
    • Discount on fee services – 
    • Quarterly updates on program progress and opportunities to meet with stakeholders at quarterly Video Conferences.
    • Personal calls from our team with updates.
    • Reports on rebuilding projects our team is involved with.
    • Invitations to attend association conferences in the US (Fall 2025) and Ukraine when deemed safe.
    • Logo – Listed on our home page as a founding sponsor
    • Thank you letter from our team.
  1. Association Leader $2,500
    • Quarterly updates as to program progress and opportunities to meet with stakeholders at quarterly Video Conferences.
    • Reports on rebuilding projects our team is involved with.
    • Invitations to attend association conferences in the US (Fall 2025) and Ukraine when deemed safe
    • Recognition on our Web Site
    • Thank you letter from our team.
  2. Association Builder                   $1500 to $2499
    • Quarterly updates as to program progress and invitations to quarterly video conferences. 
    • Invitation to US annual association conference.
    • Recognition on our Web Site
    • Thank you letter from our team.
  3. Association Provider                     $1000
    • Recognition on our Web Site
    • Thank you email
  4. Association Ambassador              $500
    • Recognition on our Web Site
    • Thank you email
  5. Association Patron                       $100
    • Thank you email

** Please let us know if you would like your donation listed from anonymous **

Make Checks Payable To:
Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc.

Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc.
PO Box 1303
San Antonio, FL 33576

Domestic US Wires – Wire Rout Transit Number – (RTN/ABA) 121000248
International Wiring Funds – Swift / BIC Code – WFBIUS6S

Bank Address
Wells Fargo Bank N.SA.
420 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104

Beneficiary Account Number – 8919508864

Rebuilding Ukraine Association Inc.
PO Box 1303
San Antonio, FL 33576

Chips Participant 0407

© 2024 Rebuilding Ukraine Association. Web Development by IWD Marketing